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Explore the origins of our photo print "Interrupted". An experience with a lifeless mother opossum and her babies would lead to a discovery of self and a photograph that has been felt by many. 

No better reminder that there is Beauty in All Things.

Full video coming soon the Seekers Section!

Become a Seeker now!

Kevin Newsome & Jessica Yi Newsome
Filmmakers, Photographers, Artists

Beyond Sight Studios was created with the intent to explore art in all of its forms.




Earth Mother-Enhanced.jpg
Raise Your vibration

seek with us for as long as our paths converge
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"The few whom you will illuminate by sharing your light are far more than enough reason for the greatest possible effort. To serve one is to serve all."

Giving your greatest possible effort isn't always easy. Sometimes you may not see the point. You may doubt you have anything worthy to share. 
You do. We all do.
If the ideas we are offering resonate within, you are not alone. Join us as we attempt to illuminate this ever-darkening world. Offering ideas, encouraging critical thought, presenting an alternate path.

Share your light with the world. Someone out there needs it.

Consider contributing so we can continue to share ours.

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